Ruby Lotus Flower - Maison Klein 54120 Baccarat France
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Lotus Flower Ruby Crystal Maison KLEIN
A symbol of energy and happiness that will brighten up your home. A precious object with multiple facets, excellent for interior decoration. Place this crystal near a window in your home to capture direct sunlight. It will be reflected in its multiple facets.
The Lotus flower symbolizes purity of heart and mind: known for its Feng Shui virtues
Each color of lotus has a special meaning. The red lotus transmits energy and initiative, and makes you want. Red, the color of love, represents passion, temptation, emotion, strength, power, potency, luxury, energy, perseverance, combat and determination.
The lotus is synonymous with luck, joy and peace, it is commonly linked to the goddess of fortune, prosperity, wealth.
Height : 5 cm
Diameter : 13.5 cm
Each piece is signed with our registered trademark. V.Klein Compagnon 1980 54120 BACCARAT France. The piece is sold in its satin box.
Our pieces are Made in France . Maison Klein l'Artisan du Cristal perpetuates manufacturing and know-how dating back to the 18th century. Klein 54120 Baccarat France (INPI registered trademark) .
We attach great importance to ensuring that the products shipped are very protected. We use our 30 years of experience to make the best possible shipping.
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Made in France